Blog #07

Now for Sale!->

My adventure in up-cycling  has finally ended with this raggedy lion plush!

I started with an old pair of black cargo pants. It took a good solid stretch of time with my new seam ripper and scissors to break them down into swatches of usable fabric. An old forgotten pillow that had long since gone flat, quickly lost its stuffing in my scissor happy mood. I chose to discard the oxidized fabric for aesthetic reasons.

I didn't have a pattern to go by, so I drew up my own crude pattern pieces on regular notebook paper and cut them out, pinned them to the fabric, and again whipped out my trusty scissors. Using the basic black for most of the pieces, the mane and tip of the tail were cut out from the unused portion of lion botanical fabric from an earlier project to give some color.

The rest of the project happened almost on its own. I just sewed everything together. That's not to say that it happened easily, I have still got a few kinks to work out on my vintage Singer. Either my needle thread tension is too tight or the bobbin thread tension is too loose. . . It's not in my nature to let technicalities slow me down, so when the machine started acting up, I switched to hand stitching. Since I was making a raggedy doll, it worked out fine and even added some charm.

Anyway after he was all stitched up the way I wanted, I used some pink yarn that I got for Christmas to sew on a fuzzy nose. The American Eagle buttons that came off the pockets of a pair of jeans were the finishing touch.

Front view
Details of the raw edged mane
Backside and head profile(insert)

Tip of tail front and back


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