Tutorial: Alice in Wonderland Tote Bag

Instructions on how to sew the tote in my Alice in Wonderland Bags fabric kit on Spoonflower

This is the lining fabric. Please note that when cutting out the pieces
the blue borders are your seam allowance. DO NOT CUT THEM OFF.

And here is the exterior fabric. I like leaving the white border attached to either end just to help strengthen the strap attachment later on.

Start with the exterior fabric piece.

Fold the piece in half matching up the blue seam allowances, and pin in place. Sew a vertical seam just inside of the pattern so that no blue will show in the finished bag. Leave the top edge and the notches in the bottom open.

Clip a line in the inside corners of the bottom notches all the way through the seam allowance. Fold the edges of the notches together as shown in the photo, and sew a seam all the way across. This forms the box shape of the base of your bag. Repeat all steps on the lining piece leaving a 2-3 inch gap for turning along one side.

Cut out the two strap pieces.

Fold both lengthwise with right sides together.

Pin the edges together and sew together making a tube. I use a zigzag stitch for added strength.

Turn straps inside out.

Pin and sew the strap to the exterior fabric as shown.

Repeat with the other strap.

Place one piece inside another with the right sides facing each other.

Line up the blue seam allowances, pin together, and sew all the way around.

Turn the whole bag right side out through the gap you left earlier.

Use a ladder stitch to finish this seam invisibly.

Push the lining into place. The top edge of the bag needs a good press, and a fine line of stitching across will keep the top of the bag looking crisp. The bag is now done!


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