Project Photos: Fox & Rose Wallet

New wallet that I made this weekend!
The main exterior fabric is White Gold Roses.

I cut out one of the foxes from Winter Coat, Summer Coat and sewed it onto the front.

He looks very pleased!

Here's the outside view when it's unfolded.

You can see the lining of the cash pocket peeking out.

The design for this is Silver Fox Stripes.

If you look carefully, you can see the line of stitches around the edge.
This is to keep it from puffing out or being uneven.

A closer look at the foxes.

The card slots are made from Arctic Foxes on White. They gave me a little but of trouble
when I was sewing the edges because the swatch I had on hand was satin.

I found a neat tip about sewing with a piece of paper under the fabric
to keep it from bunching up. It worked like a charm!


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