Contest Entry: Owl and Fragmented Starburst
Large Scale Fragmentation | Results Announced November 16 This week’s challenge will have you thinking larger than life! In celebration of Roostery’s bedding launch, we’re challenging you to create a large scale fragmentation design that would be the perfect addition to your bedroom decor. From deconstructed pops of color to fragments of dispersed light, bring your artwork to life but remember to think big! Entries will be previewed at the yard size: 42″ x 36”. Submissions close November 7 at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. Voting begins November 9. See official rules. This is my entry for this week. The design basically covers a yard of fabric and the neat fragmented starburst goes almost to the edge of the design. I decided to use a barred owl as my centerpiece, and the patterning is a bit simplified but mostly accurate. The eyes should be completely black in this type of owl, but I think it looks a little less scary with the big yellow irises. Making this d...